Suspected drug dealer arrested while posing as food delivery driver | The Standard

2022-03-11 10:25:26 By : Mr. Abie Peng

Customs officers have on Friday arrested a fake food delivery driver over suspicions he was using the disguise as a front to sell drugs.

The 25-year-old man was found with HK$26 million worth of suspected cocaine when he was stopped by officers in Shau Kei Wan.

Officers said the 24 kilograms of cocaine were found carried in a food delivery bag and two tote bags. Officers also searched the man’s motorcycle and apartment but no drugs were found.

Officers believed the apartment was used to store the drugs and the batch of suspected drugs had not been sold in Hong Kong.

The man was detained on suspicion of drug trafficking, a crime punishable by up to life imprisonment and a HK$5 million fine.

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