Savings From Po Campo, Cotopaxi, Klean Kanteen, and More Outdoor Gear Deals | GearJunkie

2022-05-13 23:49:53 By : Ms. Jane Hu

May 11, 2022 |  By Harley Schafer

Find great deals on bike racks, inflatable kayaks, drinkware, and more.

Celebrate National Bike Month with this bundle, which includes a packable backpack for grocery runs, an insulated water bottle to take your hot or cold beverages on the go, a banana saver to protect your snack, and a League of American Bicyclists Cycling Quick Guide.

This rack supports two bikes up to 40 pounds each and provides 14 inches of space between the bikes. It has a foot-actuated pivot lever that allows you to unfold the rack hands-free if needed. It is designed to make it easy to load up and hit the campsite so you can focus on the fun part of your adventures.

If you’re looking to get into kayaking without the hefty investment, this inflatable kayak could be an option for you. It has space for two and a max weight capacity of 400 pounds. Two aluminum oars, a patch kit, and a carry bag are included.

This bag is designed to have you sleeping in comfort during the warmer months. It has a wraparound zipper at the bottom for temperature regulation and an internal stash pocket for your phone and necessities. As an added bonus, you can zip two together to make a double bag.

Now through Friday, you can score 25% off the entire TK Pro collection, including this 16-ounce thermal Kanteen. This line is designed to take on hot and cold beverages with ease, so you can have your favorite hot coffee on a chilly morning hike, or ice-cold cocktails around the campfire on a warm summer night. Klean Kanteen claims it keeps beverages hot for 20 hours or iced for 75 hours.

This ring boasts a layered, two-tone design inspired by the rock layers that form the Earth’s surface. QALO has consistently topped our list of the Best Silicone Rings thanks to their durable, high-quality materials. You can use our exclusive code to score 15% off this or any of your favorite QALO rings through the end of June.

Inflatable Standup Paddleboards are a great option for those with limited space for storage. This board has a 33-inch width as well as an extra-wide tail for added stability. Bungee straps provide secure gear storage. This board earned the “best budget” pick on our list of the best SUPs of 2022, and now you can get it at an even better price.

Harley Schafer is a graduate of New Mexico State University and currently resides in southern Germany. Growing up in Oklahoma instilled a love of the outdoors, animals, and adventure. Hiking with her dogs is a favorite pastime, as well as exploring new places and trying new foods.

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