Question: Where do you head when the sun’s out? | Lifestyle | DW | 01.07.2022

2022-07-01 20:02:20 By : Mr. Bruce zhou

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Many people in Europe look forward to the summer season and finer weather. Sunshine and warmer temperatures draw us out of our homes and into parks and gardens - for a picnic, perhaps.

Summery weather gives us the perfect excuse to drop everything and head outdoors. In Europe this means the start of the picnic season. Enjoying al fresco meals with family and friends is a popular pastime in this part of the world. It’s no surprise to learn that this kind of social gathering has a long tradition here. The British Queen Victoria loved dining outdoors and elevated the picnic to a regular, grand affair. But the custom goes even further back, to medieval times. To this day, the picnic is still an important feature of European food culture. 

Where do you like to spend YOUR free time when the weather’s fine?

Write to us! We’re keen to see your replies. With a bit of luck, you’ll win a stylish picnic cooler bag and a large picnic blanket. 

When the weather’s fine, I like to spend my time:

The deadline for entries is 29 July 2022, 12 UTC. The judges‘ decision is final. Good luck!

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