Oklahoma fast-food employee arrested after meth bag found in customer’s order: police

2022-06-24 20:03:24 By : Ms. yuye xu

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An employee at a fast-food restaurant in Oklahoma was arrested after a bag of drugs was found in a customer’s order, police said.

Bryce Francis was detained by the Skiatook Police Department after a customer found a bag of what officers later identified as meth in the food order, the police announced Tuesday. 

Police said the incident happened on Monday, June 20.

“An individual made an order at the restaurant and when they received their order, they found a small baggy of drugs inside their bag,” the Skiatook Police Department said.

“Officers learned that the baggy had a crystalline substance inside of it that later field-tested positive for methamphetamine,” the police added.

Francis was subsequently arrested and charged with distribution of a controlled substance within 2,000 feet of school and possession of a controlled substance.

Skiatook police encouraged residents to check their food “especially before consuming it or handing it to a child” whenever they go out to eat.