NASA Space Station Status Report 27 July, 2022 – Genes in Space-9 - SpaceRef

2022-07-29 19:53:10 By : Ms. Laura Song

The Expedition 67 crew members focused on exercise, science beneficial to humans on Earth and future crews in space, and routine maintenance checks as part of their activities aboard the International Space Station today.

The seven station residents prioritized space exercise and took turns working out. They used the Tranquility module’s advanced resistive exercise device (ARED) to perform exercises such as bench presses, squats, and deadlifts. Crews workout on average two hours per day in space. Routine exercise helps astronauts counter the bone and muscle loss that accompanies living and working in microgravity.

NASA Flight Engineer Bob Hines worked on the new Genes in Space-9 (GIS-9) study. Cell-free technology is a platform for protein production that does not include living cells. GIS-9 evaluates two approaches for using this technology in microgravity: cell-free protein production and biosensors that can detect specific target molecules. The technology could provide a portable, low-resource, and low-cost tool with potential applications for medical diagnostics, on-demand production of medicine and vaccines, and environmental monitoring on future space missions.

NASA Flight Engineer Jessica Watkins checked on the AC inverters in the laboratory and transferred cargo from the SpaceX CRS-25 Dragon spacecraft. Later, Hines and Watkins took turns completing a Robotic On-Board Trainer for Research (ROBoT-r) session as part of the Behavioral Core Measures experiment.

Meanwhile, NASA Flight Engineer Kjell Lindgren spent most of his morning installing material sample carriers onto the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) airlock slide table. Lindgren followed up his ARED exercise session with a fitness test on an exercise cycle. He attached sensors to his chest and pedaled for an hour on a device more formally known as the Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation and Stabilization, or CEVIS. He also transferred supplies from the Dragon spacecraft.

ESA (European Space Agency) Flight Engineer Samantha Cristoforetti harvested radishes and mizuna greens growing without soil for the XROOTS space gardening study today. The experiment uses hydroponic and aeroponic techniques to grow edible plants so future crews can sustain themselves on deep space missions.

In the station’s Russian segment, the three cosmonauts exercised and completed maintenance duties. Station Commander Oleg Artemyev of Roscosmos replaced hardware in the exercise bike while Flight Engineer Denis Matveev completed monthly maintenance checks of routers in the Zvezda service module. Cosmonaut Sergey Korsakov worked on testing the European Robotic Arm manipulator.

Actiwatch: Actiwatch Plus Kits S/N 1002 and 1004 were packed for return. The Actiwatch is a waterproof, non-intrusive, sleep-wake activity monitor worn on the wrist of a crewmember and contains a miniature uniaxial accelerometer that produces a signal as the subject moves. The data is stored in non-volatile memory within the Actiwatch until they are downloaded for analysis.

Analyzing Interferometer for Ambient Air-2 (ANITA-2): The locker door to ANITA was partially opened, the Touch Screen USB cable was connected, and the locker door was closed. The ANITA-2 is a compact gas analyzer which can analyze and quantify 33 trace contaminants in the atmosphere aboard the ISS automatically. ANITA-2 can also detect the presence of unknown substances which can be evaluated later on the ground.

Dose Distribution Inside the International Space Station – 3D (DOSIS-3D): The DOSIS Main Box LEDs were checked for gathering information on the DOSIS Main Box Status. ISS crewmembers are continually exposed to varying levels of radiation which can be harmful to their health. DOSIS-3D uses several active and passive detectors to determine the radiation doses inside the ISS. The goal is a three-dimensional radiation map covering all sections of the ISS.

Four Bed CO2 Scrubber: The QD Sampling Adapter was installed on the Four Bed CO2 scrubber assembly and was purged, then samples were taken. Four Bed CO2 Scrubber demonstrates a technology for removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere on a spacecraft. The technology is based on the current system in use on the ISS with mechanical upgrades in absorption beds, heater elements, and valves and use of an improved zeolite absorbent to reduce erosion and dust formation. A goal for next-generation systems is continuous operation for 20,000 hours without a failure, and this technology is a step toward that goal.

Genes in Space-9 (GIS-9): The GIS-9 Hardware was set up and S/N 01 sample was prepared for a science run. The crew recorded a student congratulatory message. Cell-free technology is a platform for protein production that does not include living cells. GIS-9 evaluates two approaches for using this technology in microgravity: cell-free protein production and biosensors that can detect specific target molecules. The technology could provide a portable, low-resource, and low-cost tool with potential applications for medical diagnostics, on-demand production of medicine and vaccines, and environmental monitoring on future space missions.

Materials International Space Station Experiment-16-Commercial (MISSE-16): Four Material Sample Carriers (MSCs) were installed on the MISSE Transfer Tray (MTT 2). MISSE-16 is part of a suite of experiments that test how space affects a variety of materials and components. This mission tests a fabric with imbedded sensors, 3D printed polymers, spacecraft materials, radiation protection biomaterials, BioPellets made from dried microbes, paraffin wax thermal protection, and thin solar cells. If able to stand up to the harsh environment outside the ISS, these materials could help improve equipment for future space exploration.

Wireless Compose-2: The Wireless Compose-2 SmartTex-2 Shirt was donned and the experiment executed. The main scientific goal of the Wireless Communication Network (Wireless Compose-2) investigation is to provide a flexible and adaptable wireless network infrastructure to conduct and execute low-power, lightweight, and wireless experiments on the ISS. For this demonstration, Wireless Compose-2 operates several experiments, including an experiment to examine the impact of the space environment on the cardiovascular system. Additionally, Wireless Compose-2 demonstrates the ability of newly-developed impulse radio ultra-wide band (IR-UWB) hardware to enable precise localization applications and to analyze the energy harvesting potential on the ISS.

eXposed Root On-Orbit Test System (XROOTS): The XROOTS facility was powered down and each Root Module was removed and transferred to the Maintenance Work Area (MWA) for harvesting operations. The XROOTS investigation uses hydroponic and aeroponic techniques to grow plants without soil or other growth media. Video and still images enable evaluation of multiple independent growth chambers for the entire plant life cycle from seed germination through maturity. Results could identify suitable methods to produce crops on a larger scale for future space missions.

Plug-In Plan (PiP) AC Inverter Secure in LAB: The devices using three-prong connectors on several AC inverters have a history of slowly backing out and becoming exposed which is a safety concern. In this activity, the crew checked all of the ports on each deployed AC inverter with GFCI cables attached in the LAB, verified the connectors are fully seated, and secured the plugs to the inverter using cable ties.

Contingency Water Container – Iodinated (CWC-I) Degas: The CWC-I was degassed in preparation for use for Extravehicular Activity (EVA) operations. The CWC-I is a water bag which has the ability to store up to 50 lbs of iodinated water. It is used to house water suitable for EVA Mobility Unit (EMU) Water Recharge and can store EMU water for up to 56 months.

Audit Activities: Two audit activities were completed today. The crew audited and organized 1.0 Cargo Transfer Bag (CTB): Environmental Health System (EHS) Water Sampling Hardware and reported On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (OOHA) Ear Tip quantities. An audit of spare Hygiene Covers in the PMM was also completed.

Today’s Ground Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

Today’s Planned Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

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