Kangaroo Island bowlers hold pizza night for Nicholas Tremaine Distance 4 Dementia mission | The Islander | Kingscote, SA

2022-08-12 20:25:38 By : Ms. Ivy Shao

The Ozone Triples event hosted by the Birchmore Bowling Club this Saturday, August 13, 2022 will be followed by a pizza night, starting at about 6pm.

All three KI bowls clubs involved in the Triples competition on the night will raise more funds for cross-country cyclist Nicholas Tremaine and Dementia Australia.

Pizza will be $3 a slice, followed by dessert for $5 and there will also be a raffle. All are welcome but contact Jan on 0417 817 780 for catering.

Nicholas meanwhile was featured in the Stock Journal publication.

On June 5, 2022, the Parndana bike enthusiast set off on a trip-of-a-lifetime along the coast from Perth to Sydney in an effort to raise awareness and money for Dementia Australia.

Nic's original target was undertaking the 8300-kilometre trip in 44 days, but after coming across some bad weather and poor road conditions, the route was made slightly shorter to 7615km across 43 days.

Nic rode by himself with no support vehicle. His less than 30 kilograms of gear, included a tent, sleeping bag and emergency supplies.

Nic finished up his trek in Sydney on Sunday, July 17, and raised $21,000 so far in the process.

Nic told Alisha Fogden at the Stock Journal that it has felt "weird" not waking up and getting straight on his bike.

"I kind of miss it, but the body is thankful we're not doing it anymore - my knees were definitely looking forward to a break," he said.

"I'll definitely be waiting for it to get a bit warmer before I cycle again, as I am still very keen to (go to) the Tour de France next year and potentially America one day."

He won't be sitting still for long on the family farm however, with the Country Shows volunteer now focused on his local Parndana Show on November 13, and the Royal Adelaide Show in September.

For those wishing to donate, Nic's page is still open on the Dementia Australia website: https://www.dementia.org.au/ where you can also find out more about living with dementia.

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