Burning Man 2022: An in-depth guide to ice in Black Rock City

2022-09-02 19:49:05 By : Ms. Lin Hua

BLACK ROCK DESERT, Nev. — It's not easy living in a temporary desert city improvised virtually overnight in a place where prehistoric lake water dried up thousands of years ago and hot dust covers everything.

At Burning Man, where discomfort comes and goes in waves of heat and wind, Burners cling to certain comforts of the Default World they left behind.

There's no running water. No electricity. No permanent plumbing. At Burning Man, those amenities must be built by Burners themselves.

While money is mostly no good here, there is one luxury than can be bought with cold, hard cash: Ice, the playa's frozen gold.

Five bucks for blocks, ten bucks for bags. 

Not everyone brings a cooler here to store food and beverages that must be refrigerated. But for many Burners, the camp cooler is essential.

After a week in Black Rock City, here's what we learned about playa ice.

With temperatures hovering in the 90s, sometimes bumping into the 100s, the Black Rock Desert is an unforgiving landscape, prone to dust storms that clog eye sockets, nasal cavities and lungs.

Constant intake of fluids is vital — and quite refreshing if those fluids are cold. A sturdy cooler packed with fresh ice makes that possible.

Peek in the coolers of camp mates and you'll find all manner of beverages: Beer, seltzer water, fruit juice, champagne, pop, cold brew, Gatorade, Red Bull, boxed wine.

But a a large playa beverage supply requires a constant changing of ice and a little bit of planning.

There are three locations where Burners can buy ice, open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Because ice is in high demand, it's important to plan out ice runs. Most Burners get ice for their own personal coolers, but other camps pick a runner each day to collect frozen gold for all inhabitants there.

The ice line is a great place to meet friends, catch bits of jokes and stories or simply observe fellow Black Rock City residents.

Depending what time you get in line, you could wait anywhere from 20 minutes to over an hour to stock up. Here, time slows, making ice runs a good opportunity to check out playa fashion or strike up conversation.

But be warned: Not all Burners enjoy ice runs. You will inevitably run into neighbors in no mood to talk who view ice runs as nothing more than a boring chore.

The ice trek will reveal that not even Burning Man is free of hustlers trying to further commoditize the ice situation and make a couple bucks off impatience and discomfort.

"Bags of ice!" the hustlers yell. "Fifteen bucks!"

Some burners will jump at the opportunity to step out of line and return to camp as speedy ice heroes — even if it means acquiescing to a five-dollar mark up.

The first is a bag of ice passed from the ice tent and through the line until the bag is empty. Burners tend to break off a chunk to suck on or dab their necks, foreheads and chests for quick relief.

At the front of the line, a volunteer greets every ice-seeking burner with a spray bottle equipped with a motorized fan, soothing faces and scalps with cool mist.

There are a few modes of ice transportation.

Handcart/wagon: This is the most convenient option, if you're camped near the ice tent. But you don't want to spend an hour walking in the sun only to return with bags of water.

Bicycle basket/wagon: This is very common on the playa, as the bicycle is the primary travel method here. An ice run with the aid of a bicycle cuts down on mission time. But make sure to secure the ice with a bungee cord. If you think playa dust is bad, wait until you see playa mud.

Your body: An ice block on your shoulders or chest may seem like a hassle, but some Burners see it as way to get some cuddle time that brings the temperature down.

Shade is your friend. It will keep you ice frozen longer. If you don't have a spot where the cooler can sit out of the sun for most hours of the day, you'll have to find one - perhaps in the shadow of your vehicle. Don't keep the cooler in the back of your car or truck. The heat of the sun on all that metal will accelerate ice melt.

It's important to remove melted water at the bottom of the cooler. It will eventually seep into food packaging and soak food not meant to be soaked.

First, you need a bucket, and there are several options from there.

Use it to shower: Burners sometimes use the water in their coolers to load the solar shower bags hanging in their camp showers — a tent-like enclosure where water is fed by gravity through a rubber hose and shower head. The cooler water may have a bit of playa dust mixed in, but why waste bucket or cold water?

Cool, soothe and heal your feet: Pour into a bucket equal parts cooler water and vinegar. The vinegar will neutralize the dehydrating, crack-inducing alkali in the playa dust, rehydrating and bringing back to life your feet. Dunk your feet in the mixture, let them dry and repeat. Your feet will feel rejuvenated and healthy and ready to walk or pedal.

Make art: All you need is a plastic watering can. Fill the can with water and wet a patch of playa away from well-traveled campsites, sprinkling the desert floor like your sprinkling a bed of flowers. Draw squiggly lines, figure eights, symbols, or messages in the dust. The hard, hot sun will evaporate the water and leave behind the faint footprints of your creation.