Pizza deliveryman arrested for theft, parole violation | Local News |

2022-03-11 10:26:26 By : Ms. Sylvy Leung

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Serving Lawrence County, Pa. since 1880

A pizza deliveryman who reportedly violated his parole is accused of taking pizzas and money from a local business while he worked there last month.

Theft-related charges are pending in the Lawrence County Court of Common Pleas against Brett Klingensmith, 42, who reportedly was living in an apartment on Moravia Street. Police reported he was on state parole for violent crimes following a lengthy jail sentence.

Klingensmith was arrested by New Castle police around 9 p.m. Feb. 12 after managers of Mr. Pizza on East Washington Street reported the recent theft from the business.

The pizza shop management reported to the police Klingensmith didn’t return to the restaurant after leaving there with food deliveries and $100 cash.

The business owner was unable to contact him and he didn’t return phone calls, according to a criminal complaint.

The police drove past Klingensmith’s house after receiving the call, but he was not there, the paperwork states.

The pizza shop owner told police Klingensmith was only working there for two days when he left the business that night around 7 p.m. to make deliveries and did not return.

The police, while talking to the business owner, received another call from a woman who said she had loaned her car to Klingensmith to use for work. She said she found the car in the middle of the road in the 800 block of South Jefferson Street.

The police went to the area and found pizza bags and the restaurant receipt inside the car, but the pizzas and the money were gone, they reported.

Upon contact with the state parole agents, a warrant was issued for Klingensmith’s arrest.

The New Castle police charged him with theft and receiving stolen property in the pizza incident, and he waived those latest charges to court.

He is being held in the Lawrence County jail on the parole warrant and $1,000 additional bond for the pizza-related theft.

Klingensmith served time in state prison after pleading guilty in a 2006 case where he slashed a woman’s face and throat at a dry cleaner on Butler Avenue during a robbery. He served 15 years for that offense.

Suspects are to be considered innocent until proven guilty.

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Terri Zikeli, 58, Ellwood City, died March 9, 2022, at Quality Life Services, New Castle. Visitation is 1 p.m. Monday until 1:30 p.m service, Trinity Lutheran Church, Ellwood. Arrangements by Samuel Teolis Funeral Home and Crematory Inc..

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