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Summer days aren't over just yet. There's still time to hit the beach, go camping or head out for a nice picnic. Whatever your plans may be for the rest of summer, you'll need the right outdoor gear. Check out this sale on Tourit cooler bags , where some styles are available for up to 40% off. These bags typically range from $30 to $40, but right now you can grab one from anywhere between $16 to $30. This deal ends today, so get one while you can!
Tourit's mission is to offer unique and quality outdoor products that combine design and innovation. Insulated cooler backpacks have padded shoulders to ensure comfort and portability. They're also designed well enough that you can use them daily as lunch backpacks. All of their bags are leakproof, so you can store ice in there to keep your food and drinks cool. They're all also easy to clean if there ever is a mess.
In lieu of a backpack, I'd go for this 48-can insulated cooler bag that's perfect for picnics, beach trips, or even work. It comes in a stylish light blue color and it's collapsible. Similar to Business & Co.'s insulated cooler, this tote looks great as an accessory and it's easy to transport with handles or a strap.
There are plenty of different cooler options to choose from during this sale. You can opt for a backpack that'll look cool even on city commutes or grab a lunch tote bag for as low as $16 . All of these bags will keep your drinks and food cool for up to 16 hours, but they each have different looks and features. Below are some of the best deals during this sale.
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