CCSD rolls out awards program for school nutrition staff | Education |

2022-08-12 20:18:30 By : Mr. Sancho Wang

Superintendent Brian Hightower speaks to CCSD School Nutrition workers on Wednesday at their annual back-to-school training day, at which the inaugural School Nutrition Team of the Year initiative was announced.

CCSD School Nutrition Executive Director Tina Farmer, standing before the stage, and staff members announce CCSD’s new School Nutrition Team of the Year initiative during the department’s annual back-to-school training day on Wednesday.

Superintendent Brian Hightower speaks to CCSD School Nutrition workers on Wednesday at their annual back-to-school training day, at which the inaugural School Nutrition Team of the Year initiative was announced.

CCSD School Nutrition Executive Director Tina Farmer, standing before the stage, and staff members announce CCSD’s new School Nutrition Team of the Year initiative during the department’s annual back-to-school training day on Wednesday.

The Cherokee County School District has a new awards program to recognize excellence in its school nutrition department, the district announced.

The inaugural School Nutrition Team of the Year initiative was announced Wednesday at CCSD School Nutrition’s annual back-to-school training.

The new awards program gives cafeteria teams the opportunity to win prizes by achieving specific goals, called the “Six Servings of Success,” related to improving their service to students and teachers and staff.

Superintendent Brian Hightower announced the new program with School Nutrition Executive Director Tina Farmer at the training day at River Ridge High School

“Kids can’t learn if they’re hungry, and our dedicated School Nutrition teams ensure our kids are fed nutritious and delicious meals every day,” Hightower said. “Our School Nutrition department has earned national and state recognition for excellence in everything from our farm to table initiative to use more locally grown produce to our outstanding summer meals program that served up more than 112,500 meals this summer. This awards program is another way for us to celebrate our employees and to continue stepping up our service to kids.”

All school year the teams at each school cafeteria will work to earn top scores for health inspections, employee satisfaction, program participation (number of students who purchase meals or receive free or reduced-price meals), inventory levels, budgeting and promotions. At the end of the school year, the elementary school team and the middle school/high school/center team with the best scores will be named the winners.

The new awards program is in addition to CCSD’s Support Staff Employees of the Year program, which all non-educators, including School Nutrition workers, are eligible to win for their school. Farmer proposed the Team of the Year awards program to encourage further improvement and provide additional recognition for this vital group of dedicated employees.

“Our School Nutrition teams work so hard to do their best each day for our students,” Farmer said. “We can’t wait to see how they will rise to the challenges of this friendly competition.”

The prizes will include $100 gift cards for each team member, an engraved plaque for the school and an honor banner for the cafeteria sponsored by the Cherokee County Educational Foundation; a piece of kitchen equipment, valued at approximately $800, for the winning schools donated by PMR; an insulated food carrier for each winning team member from CGA Reps Food Service Equipment; and “swag bags” with additional prizes from sponsors. Businesses and organizations that would like to make financial or in-kind donations for prizes are asked to please contact Penny Dempsey at or 770-479-1871.

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